About Us

41 Club was formed in 1945 to provide a way for members of Round Table to continue their friendships after retirement from Round Table at the then obligatory age of 40.

The full name is “The Association of Ex-Round Tablers’ Clubs” and it forms part of “The Round Table Family”.

Round Table was founded in March 1927 by Louis Marchesi. Marchesi was a young Rotarian in Norwich who became aware of the lack of opportunities for the young businessmen of the day to meet and prepare themselves for their responsibilities as senior businessmen in later years. He found himself surrounded by older men, so he started a club for younger men with a maximum age of 40 to give them the right environment to develop their professional and civic skills while assisting the local community, the nation and later the world as a whole.

Round Table was formed after being inspired by a speech by the then Prince of Wales who said “The young business and professional men of this country must get together round the table, adopt methods that have proved so sound in the past, adapt them to the changing needs of the times and, wherever possible, improve them.” Since that time Round Table has used the motto “Adopt – Adapt – Improve”.

Originally once a Round Tabler reached 40 years of age he would retire from Round Table and would then become eligible to join 41 Club. In 1998 Round Table changed their retirement age to 45.

41 Club specialises in continuing the friendships made in Round Table. The philosophy of the club is very similar to that of Round Table, but it is often less ‘active’ and in many cases clubs meet less often. The Club’s main purpose is to support Round Table and, if possible, participate in local community service initiatives or charity work. However, the ‘continued friendship’ and ‘fellowship’ aspect is of great importance. Most clubs meet monthly, often in a public house or restaurant. Meetings are usually semi-formal with either an activity or a speaker to entertain. Lifelong friendships are often made in 41 Club.

There are Five members of the Round Table Family of Clubs:

  • Round Table for men between 18 and 45
  • 41 Club for past Round Tablers over 40
  • Ladies Circle for women up to 45
  • Tangent for women 
  • Agora Club

To join 41 Club it is a requirement to have been a member of Round Table.


AIMS and Objectives Of 41 Club 

  • To continue the friendship built in Round Table.
  • The encouragement of responsible citizenship in observing the highest ideals in business, professional and civic traditions.
  • The promotion and furtherance of international understanding, friendship and co-operation.
  • To seek to support the activities of constituent clubs and local Round Tables in serving the community.


  • Να συνεχίσει την φιλία που δημιουργήθηκε στο Round Table.
  • Να προωθήσει τη διεθνή φιλία μέσω της συνεργασίας με παρόμοιες λέσχες του εξωτερικού και να συμβάλει στην επικράτηση της ειρήνης.
  • Να ασχοληθεί με κοινωνικές, πολιτιστικές, φιλανθρωπικές και άλλες υπηρεσίες σε συνεργασία με τα τοπικά Round Tables.
  • Να προωθεί τους πιο πάνω σκοπούς με συναντήσεις , διαλέξεις, συζητήσεις και άλλες δραστηριότητες.
  • Να εξασφαλίζει οικονομικούς πόρους για την επίτευξη των πιο πάνω στόχων.